ACANA Freeze Dried Infused Pacifica Dog Food
Reflecting the rich maritime harvest from Canada’s cold and pristine Pacific waters, ACANA Pacifica is loaded with fresh and regional Canadian fish, wild and sustainably caught off North Vancouver Island. Bursting with Pacific herring, pilchard, flounder, hake and rockfish that are delivered FRESH and WHOLE daily, ACANA Pacifica nourishes your dog naturally, without long lists of additives. Trusted everywhere, carbohydrate-limited and protein-rich ACANA promotes peak physical conditioning in dogs of all breeds and life stages. Read our ingredients and we think you’ll agree.
CANADA’S BEST AND FRESHEST INGREDIENTS ACANA Pacifica features an unmatched variety of regional fish that are wild-caught by people we know and trust, deemed “fit for human consumption”, and then delivered to our award-winning kitchens fresh and whole each day!